Our KiDs YoGa programs are centered around the theme of healthy bodies and minds. We use yoga, meditation, art, music, drama, games and outdoor activities to learn about a healthy, balanced lifestyle.


One weekend night a month drop your littles off to us and enjoy some time to yourself!

March 29th | April 26th | 5:30-8:30pm | $25+hst | Ages 5-12

It's a win win for parents and kids! Kids will enjoy an evening of yoga, meditation, crafts, games and a bit of movie time at the end so that they are wound down and grounded when they head home with you.

Click here to book!


At camp, we begin each day with a meditation practice and from there, move into a day full of confidence-building games, team-building exercises and creative fun - all of which are centered around healthy bodies and minds through yoga. Every day has a theme: some days we focus on kindness or self love, other days we focus on our digestive system, very basic yoga philosophy or posture alignment. The theme is weaved in throughout the day from our craft time, outside games and even into snack time! We learn not only how to work together, help and respect one another, but also how to work alone and love and respect ourselves. Our campers favorite time of the day is relaxation and mediation, where camp counselors come around with essential oils, eye pillows.

We make sure to send your little ones home to you balanced, grounded and happy!

Summer Camp

July 2nd-5th

9:00 am - 3:00 pm | Ages 5 - 12

Whole week $204+hst

Single Day $55+hst

Send a healthy lunch and outdoor gear.

Need a minimum of 10 kids to run